Healthy eating:what counts?
Healthy food? How difficult is that and what exactly counts when it comes to healthy nutrients? Check out our checklist of guidelines.
For more than a year, the Nutrition Center launched the renewed Wheel of Five, the guidelines for healthy nutrition. One of the most important things:variety. With the checklist below you can help yourself on your way.
1. Fruits &vegetables
What counts?
Fresh fruit and frozen fruit, fresh vegetables, prepackaged vegetables from the refrigerator, frozen vegetables, canned and canned vegetables.
How often?
Fruit up to twice a day. Vegetables unlimited and preferably with every meal.
Serving Size
80 to 100 grams is about one piece of fruit. These are, for example, three tablespoons of frozen fruit, an apple or two kiwis. A banana weighs heavier:150 grams on average. For example, eat one banana and one kiwi. You can't actually eat enough vegetables, but eat at least 200 grams per day.
What should you pay attention to?
Vegetables and fruits are healthy. Try to make sure this group makes up the bulk of the food you eat every day.
2. Bread, grain products and potatoes
What counts?
Whole-wheat bread or other whole-grain products such as whole-wheat crackers if they contain at least 25 percent whole-wheat flour, breakfast cereals, whole-wheat pasta and (sweet) potatoes.
How often?
Eat whole-wheat bread or other whole-grain products, such as breakfast cereals, every day. But beware:sugar (cane sugar, honey), sugared dried fruit, coconut chips, salt and/or fat are often added to breakfast cereals.
Serving Size
Eat at least 90 grams of bread, cereal, pasta or potatoes every day.
What should you pay attention to?
The products are a good source of carbohydrates. These provide energy and are therefore especially good to eat before exercising.
3. Fish, meat and egg
What counts?
Eggs, fresh, steamed, smoked and fresh frozen fish, white and red meat.
How often?
Eat fish once a week, preferably fatty fish such as salmon or mackerel. Limit the consumption of red meat and especially processed meat as much as possible. You can eat eggs every day.
Serving Size
A fish dish can contain about 100 grams of fish per person. Eat a maximum of 500 grams of meat per week, of which a maximum of 300 grams of red meat (this includes meats for your bread). For eggs, the Nutrition Center recommends 2 or 3 pieces per week, but that also depends on what else you eat.